Monatsarchive: Oktober 2023

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Protestations of innocence, practiced naïveté, pronounced dedication to amnesia do not stop, from WMD, shock and awe, Russiagate, through to Gaza and no doubt tomorrow’s crimes and lies.

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Facing discipline over controversy

Guardian: Prominent US figures face backlash and firings for pro-Palestinian statements A rising number of prominent US figures have faced discipline over controversial public comments they have made about the Palestinian cause, … On 19 October, the top art magazine … Weiterlesen

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Ich auch nicht

Roberto zeigte ihm seine Lieblingsbücher, bei jedem fragte er, ob Lenz es kenne. Kannte er es nicht, so drängte er Lenz, es mitzunehmen, er müsse es unbedingt lesen. Lenz gestand, daß er längere Zeit kaum gelesen habe, jedenfalls keine Romane. … Weiterlesen

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Dokument nicht gefunden

I found this headline interesting, and, eager to read the article, clicked. No doubt this is coincidental, however I still found it very funny.

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