Monatsarchive: Mai 2016

On Memorial Day, the American Disease

Guardian: “Stupidity is the American disease,” said Norman Mailer, though maybe it’s not so much stupidity as fantasy, a determinedly infantile notion of what it means to go to war.

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UA Flight 23

Just read this and other pages on United Flight 23, which is not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report. Interesting stuff.

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Hastert’s High School Love

„You know, Mr. Speaker, you and I have a lot in common,“ Kean said. „You were a high school history teacher?“ „Yes,“ Hastert replied. „And so was I,“ Kean said, reminiscing about his two-year stint as a teacher at St. … Weiterlesen

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A Frightening Truth

It occurred to Kean that this might be the commission’s most frightening discovery of all: The emperors of espionage had no clothes. Perhaps the reason the White House had fought so hard to block the commission’s access to the PDBs … Weiterlesen

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Former US Official Reveals Risks Faced by Internal Critics

Der Spiegel has an interesting article on Günther Rüdel’s grandson and one’s civic responsibility in a criminal state.

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More on assassinating for peace

The Council on Foreign Relations: Mansur’s potential death provides a real-world, real-time ability to test two hypotheses about the policy of killing terrorist leaders. These are based upon the objectives of the strike, according to the Pentagon press release, as … Weiterlesen

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Assassination as response

The Guardian: “If people want to stand in the way of peace and continue to threaten and kill and blow people up, we have no recourse but to respond, and I think we responded appropriately.” —John Kerry, explaining a US … Weiterlesen

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What does it mean to be a „B-Bagger Bernie Bro“?

Just had this strange exchange with someone I used to play Chess with in high school: The extent to which it is difficult to conduct political discussions without degeneration into slinging invective disappoints.

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