Monatsarchive: Januar 2020


I saw Ein verborgenes Leben last night. Before she issued my ticket the woman at the counter asked to confirm I knew the film is three hours long. I didn’t understand what she was asking, and eloquently asked „Huh?“ She … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Freedom

American teleology, future (always) dystopia, madness

Guardian: The lead prosecutor in the case, the House manager Adam Schiff, warned that the Republicans’ unified determination to protect Trump instead of collecting evidence was paving the way toward a presidency unbound by congressional oversight or any other checks … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für American teleology, future (always) dystopia, madness

Entrusted to tweet on his behalf

Guardian: In October 2016, just days before the election, the Bloomberg news agency noted: “Parscale is one of the few within Trump’s crew entrusted to tweet on his behalf.” … “I have no hobbies,” he said. “My hobbies are watching Fox News, … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Entrusted to tweet on his behalf

Nandy said Twitter had created “real problems” for the left because it gave activists a misleading view of what the public thought

Guardian: She said that she had taken Twitter off her phone. She explained: I’ve taken it off my phone, which means I’m slightly clueless about some of the things that people keep asking me about in the Westminster bubble. But … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Nandy said Twitter had created “real problems” for the left because it gave activists a misleading view of what the public thought

Boris Johnson praises Trump’s Middle East peace plan at PMQs

Guardian: Boris Johnson has lavished praise on Donald Trump’s vision for Middle East peace, after Jeremy Corbyn criticised the plan for failing to gain the support of any Palestinians. The prime minister said Trump’s plan “has the merits of a two state … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Boris Johnson praises Trump’s Middle East peace plan at PMQs

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Unter Präsident Trump haben die US-Luftangriffe in Afghanistan stark zugenommen. Die Luftwaffe warf 2019 so viele Bomben ab wie nie im vergangenen Jahrzehnt.

Spiegel: US-Präsident Donald Trump verspricht seit Langem, die „endlosen Kriege“ im Nahen Osten zu beenden und seine Soldaten aus der Region abzuziehen. In den vergangenen Monaten hat sich die Situation jedoch zunehmend zugespitzt. In Afghanistan haben die US-Streitkräfte im Jahr 2019 … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Unter Präsident Trump haben die US-Luftangriffe in Afghanistan stark zugenommen. Die Luftwaffe warf 2019 so viele Bomben ab wie nie im vergangenen Jahrzehnt.

Fight the power with DiEM25

„We can fight the Establishment [including the capital ‚E‘ of ‚the Establishment‘, though ‚the‘ curiously remains uncapitalized] with 500 euros per month. You know, because if we subscribe to this media service we’ll be allowed to penetrate international media — … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Fight the power with DiEM25