Monatsarchive: Mai 2023

Reenvisioning Freedom: Human Agency in Times of Ecological Disaster

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Frankly, I don’t think that political awareness is going to prove the best medicine for our current malady. Most people know that financial dictatorship is destroying their life; the problem is knowing what to do about it. It is possible … Weiterlesen

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In his last book, Chaosmosis (1992), Guattari writes that ‚Among the fogs and miasmas which obscure our fin de millenaire, the question of subjectivity is now returning as a leit motiv …‘ He first adds: ‚All the disciplines will have … Weiterlesen

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The ethical foundation of the modern social scene was based on the responsibility of the bourgeois class and the solidarity between workers. The Protestant bourgeois was responsible to God and to the territorial community which made his prosperity possible. The … Weiterlesen

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Ron DeSantis announces presidential campaign

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Only non-involvement and the ability to remain extraneous, to refuse any identification with one’s job and with one’s working condition, only a radical rejection of the ethics of responsibility, might offer workers the possibility of navigating a way out from … Weiterlesen

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„We had something to say, not something to sell.“ —Suze Rotolo

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The entire strategy of the system lies in this hyper-reality of floating values. It is the same for money and theory as for the unconscious. Value rules according to an ungraspable order: the generation of models, the indefinite chaining of … Weiterlesen

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